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Our Finger Goes To . . .

Credit Kasakura Publishing with a unique view of life. When they thought of sexual molestation, they saw nothing but yen signs. Hence Finger Press, the world's first magazine especially for chikan, or molesters. It is now in its second edition, and editor Kiyotsugu Kawabata claims his first issue sold 50,000 copies. "We're not trying to encourage chikan," he claims. "We want them to stop by reading this magazine." This is done by including feature articles on "How to Chikan," an interview with a girl who was repeatedly molested (and enjoyed it), addresses and descriptions of girls' schools along the Chuo Line and even a detailed report card on the Tokaido Line, listing the best times, stations and platforms to rub against high school girls. Readers are encouraged to fill in their experiences and send it to the magazine. "Chikan is the eternal male fantasy," Kawabata told Shukan Shincho magazine. "I don't think it's going to fade. . . ." Then he quickly remembered to add, ". . .unfortunately."

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